Thursday, April 30, 2009

President Obama's Super-Highway to Growth and Prosperity

Checking Facebook, it's easy to see that there are over 500 Facebook pages devoted to the former Vice-President, and more than that to the former President. They're not complimentary, kind or supportive entries. Quite the commentary on the popularity of their "regime".

Listening to President Obama's careful 100-day speech yesterday, it's striking how little the new President prevaricates and obfuscates the truth. It's very heartwarming to see how clearly he is able to tell the truth, for example, concerning previous torture policy, without obscuring the mistakes of the past. Indeed, he bravely calls it a "mistake"and doesn't absolve the previous administration where his predecessor learned to hide and build smokescreens. The more I listen, the more likable the new President is, and the easier it is to see America needs him to heal unfathomable wounds inflicted by President Bush's "regency".

The good news is that he will focus on immigration. The bad news is that he wants to deal with both the economy and healthcare issues first. Focusing on all these issues is both pragmatic and realistic, given amongst other issues, the
a) weight of mighty economic issues
b) out-of-control healthcare costs
c) the backlog of cases at immigration
d) educational inequalities needing attention, and
e) energy and transportation infrastructure improvements

National Public Radio (NPR) summarizes it this way:

"The 100-day milestone has...provided a stark tally of what the new administration has faced in its early months — from swine flu and Somali pirates to an economy that remains deeply troubled, wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and bitter battles on Capitol Hill.

President Obama is proving to be the most internationally inclusive president America's had in modern history, more outward-looking and aware even than President Clinton. In the words of the President:

"I see the process moving this first year. And I'm going to be moving it as quickly as I can. I've been accused of doing too much. We are moving full-steam ahead on all fronts."

So much hope is resting on his slender shoulders after neglectful, even harmful policies of the last administration. Perhaps with the President's quietly strong voice, America will get some of the softer social policies at home that will heal a country that sorely needs personal attention right here at home. Let's just hope traffic is moving and all lanes are open.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Google Expands Search, Includes Government Data

A new search capability recently announced by Google promises to be a fascinating new tool for economists, sociologists, anthropologists, and many other scientists, and anyone, in fact, looking for a number to quantify anything that the government is already recording.

Google says on its website:

Reliable information about these kinds of things exists thanks to the hard work of data collectors gathering countless survey forms, and of careful statisticians estimating meaningful indicators that make hidden patterns of the world visible to the eye. All the data we've used in this first launch are produced and published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and the U.S. Census Bureau's Population Division. They did the hard work! We just made the data a bit easier to find and use.

Focus, concentration and yes, education, are required on the part of the searcher to type the correct queries and search for exactly the data desired. Google's new service appears to link seamlessly with existing search queries. For more information, here's a link to Google's blog.

Monday, April 27, 2009

President Obama's RECIPE for Scientific Success

President Obama this morning made a very historic forty-three minute speech to the august body of the National Academies of Science (NAS). This elite assemblage has not had the attention of an American President in such early days of a new political administration since President Kennedy pledged to fund space missions to the moon. He says that a half-century ago was the "high water mark" as far as funding science research is concerned and his intention is to restore science to its "rightful place" in America.

President Obama received warm welcome and applause for the symbolic gesture of his presence. In addition, the substantial recommendations in his speech are sweeping, powerful and exciting. What is exciting is that at the same time, the administration is already far more effective than previous ones at slicing through opposition to popular proposals. It could prove the beginning of a new chapter in the history of innovations in all areas of science, engineering, and medicine.

President Obama wants to promote the pre-eminent status of American as a world leader in scientific research. He plans to do so through his a) appointments b)executive orders and c) initiatives, such as the following:

1) to promote research and experimentation. A tax credit made permanent should create jobs by encouraging companies to plan for the long term.

2) to produce, use and save energy: clean energy is of such importance to the administration that the President has entrusted the Department of Energy to a physicist. He announced the creation of the "Advanced Research Projects Agency for Energy, or ARPA-E...based on the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, known as Darpa."

3)to computerize medical records: to improve healthcare in this country. He also advocates patient control over records. He admits that medical advances come from scientific breakthroughs, such as antibiotics, vaccines and pills. He is doubling the budget for cancer research.

4) to announce the appointment of the President’s Council of Advisers on Science and Technology, known as PCAST to create for professional scientists"national strategies to nurture and sustain a culture of scientific innovation". It will be co-chaired by John Holdren, the President's top science advisor; Eric Lander, one of the principal leaders of the Human Genome Project; and Harold Varmus, former head of the National Institutes of Health and a Nobel laureate.

5)to renew commitment to math and science education. The President will support inventive approaches and educational innovations. He wants to "create systems that retain and reward effective teachers, and let’s create new pathways for experienced professionals to enter the classroom." He also is committed to creating by 2020, "the highest proportion of college graduates in the world. And we’ve provided tax credits and grants to make a college education more affordable....[the] budget also triples the number of National Science Foundation graduate research fellowships."

To summarize, these five Presidential initiatives create the word RECIPE:
1) R
esearch, 2)energy, 3)computerize, 4)PCAST, 5)education.

The President is impressively backing up his words with financial commitments...

"We double the budget of key agencies, including the National Science Foundation, a primary source of funding for academic research, and the National Institute of Standards and Technology, which supports a wide range of pursuits — from improving health information technology to measuring carbon pollution, from testing “smart grid” designs to developing advanced manufacturing processes. And my budget doubles funding for the Department of Energy’s Office of Science..."

President Obama also acknowledges that the National Academies of Science predate the Civil War, address the "restless curiosity" and "boundless hope" that characterizes and motivates professional scientists, whom he refreshingly calls "leaders of change".

The President also says our capacity for world scientific leadership rests on our medical and scientific community. He admits this leadership is now more essential than ever before.

"Federal funding in the physical sciences as a portion of our gross domestic product [GDP] has fallen by nearly half over the past quarter century. Time and again we’ve allowed the research and experimentation tax credit, which helps businesses grow and innovate, to lapse."

After his lament, "our schools continue to trail", the President notes"the quality of math and science teachers is the most influential single factor in determining whether or a student will succeed or fail in these subjects."

He also cites products created through scientific breakthroughs, such as solar cells, learning software, GPS systems, prosthetics and CAT scans.

He wants scientific research to determine policy, rather than the opposite, as has been the case in recent years.

President Obama summed up his speech:

"As President Kennedy said when he addressed the National Academy of Sciences more than 45 years ago:

“The challenge, in short, may be our salvation.”"

That challenge is the livelihood of many of his listeners. Let's hope kids listen to President Obama's very inspirational speech (I dream). I love these initiatives. Slightly better it would have been had his speech come earlier than his 98th day in office. He professed interest in science funding throughout his campaign, I think. The fact that he did this speech at all is rare among American Presidents. There are some in business saying these ideas have to meet the realities. President Obama has very high approval ratings among scientists.

Which President in your view has been most interested in science so far? Please leave your comments.

For a radio text, see the NAS website. There is a text of the President's speech in The White House website linked here.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Perfection and Success: "If at first you don't succeed, try, try, again"

Malcolm Gladwell, in his book "Outliers" claims that assiduous concentration for a minimum of 10,000 hours is necessary to achieve world-class success in almost every endeavor, such as piano playing, chess, fiction writing and computer science.

"Achievement is talent plus preparation... It seems that it takes the brain this long [10,000 hrs] to assimilate all that it needs to know to achieve true mastery" (p.40).

He also claims that while innate talent is important, "the closer psychologists looks at the careers of the gifted, the smaller the role innate talent seems to play and the bigger the role preparation seems to play." (p. 38)

It's a fascinating theory and one that is echoed in today's article, "Want to Go Faster? You Need a Trainer" by Gina Kolata in The New York Times. She says that focused, concentrated training led by experts is usually required to become a star athlete.

"Training, though, can require such a commitment over so many years that many drop out.... And that love of serious training, coaches say, is often what distinguishes a good athlete from a mediocre one.

“Any great athlete who accomplishes anything, anywhere, loves to train,” said Tom Fleming...former elite distance runner who twice won the New York City Marathon.

It’s not that talent is irrelevant. Truly talented athletes can be better without training than many average people can be with training. But most people are not in that elite athlete realm and, for them, training can mean the difference between a good performance and a poor one".

Coaches and exercise physiologists caution that it can take a long period of sustained, consistent training to reach your potential."

Cirque du Soleil

Now if only I could stretch anything like the contortionists at the Cirque du Soleil (pictured above). When they were interviewed on ABC television yesterday, they insisted that anybody could do it if only they'd train enough. They have abundant "innate talent" as well as strong discipline and support, good health and healthy bodies, too.

Australian runners at 14K Run, Bondi Beach, this week

"What do we live for, if not to make life less difficult for each other?"
George Eliot

Goals, in general, make people happier, or so says my book on happiness, but that's a review for another post.

If you become sad, start training for a new goal. It's really not rocket science, just good common sense, when you think about it.

The news is that if we practice a lot, we will improve ourselves immeasurably, achieve spectacular results and have fun doing it.

Personally, I would love to be able to reach the floor with the palm of my hand or run a mile in nine minutes.

If all else fails, here's an hilarious phrase to remember to use socially in self-defence, "I may not look like I'm doing anything, but on the cellular level, I'm really very busy." (Anon.)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Communications Enhance News Investigations

If information is needed, especially at times of great emergency, the source needs to be credible. Where news is being gathered, speed and accuracy are of more immediate interest than distracting questions of high status and rank.

A young boy in the movie "The Changeling" isn't at first believed when he confesses. He is thought too young, too transient and mentally ill, to be taken seriously. The mighty Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) in 1929 has more urgent problems. The police administration need to burnish their image above all as competent crime-solvers. The movie proves that solutions to mysteries can come from any direction. All angles need to be considered and explored.

National Public Radio (NPR) had a wide-ranging segment this afternoon concerning the future of newspapers and investigative journalism and alternative news sources. It was a discussion concerning online alternatives to local newspapers, how they are funded and whether they employ journalists, and advertise to make money.

Interesting, educated webmasters were interviewed for important online news sites, like in New Jersey, and "Voice of San Diego". Some local sites tend to focus on "hyper"-local news, and can easily be updated in great detail online, such as the weather and local meetings of organizations. They're an important alternative to powerful voices in local newspapers and they provide quick, alternative online news sources especially valuable for local news as an alternative to television and radio. For example, forest fires can be illustrated in maps online, earthquakes and changing news information can be updated constantly. Online advertisements sites bring products that were completely unavailable in aggregated form in the past.

It has long been a problem that local newspapers have the advantages and disadvantages of local impact. Their best news articles sometimes stay local. In the past they've focused on the interests of the majority of the population leaving the minority disenfranchised. They can also sometimes be, perhaps unknowingly or unacknowledged, narrow-minded and partisan. Also, if newspapers are mailed, events described can be too late to attend (a frequent problem with my local paper, published weekly).

On the other hand, national newspapers can be well-edited researched paragons of excellence. They can be thoughtful, carefully vetted repositories of modern debate and news. At best, they're impartial sources of helpful news, advice and knowledge. They can illustrate the best of civilized society, with wide-ranging and thoughtfully crafted international and national news articles. They hold an important, unique niche in modern society that many citizens cherish.

Locally, there aren't enough focused news sources in our area of New Jersey, as and local papers online miss some news as my last post tells. Perhaps, we need local versions of The Huffington Post and The Daily Beast.

U.S.A. Today is one of the nation's most popular newspapers, perhaps because of its national focus. The New York Times has many prize-winning journalists. Television news has important real-time and investigative news stories that expose in living color very immediate issues. All news sources would appear to have strengths and weaknesses.

Machines can't trump humans when we need the human touch to make sense of the importance of news stories. Otherwise the silliest stories trump serious news as sometimes shows. Humans need to use computers to serve as tools to enhance communications and aid news investigations.

Do you want newspapers to survive? Please let me know what you think.

New Jersey Tries to Lead America in Water Testing

A local water emergency closed my local Starbucks in Hopewell Township, New Jersey, this morning for the day. It's far from being the first time it's happened. Here is an article about a closure last summer, July 31, 2008.

The Hopewell Township Health Department ordered residents affected through "reverse-911" telephone calls to boil their water for 24 hours for their own safety. By noon, the piping problem had been resolved, according to the Health Department.

The Hopewell Township, New Jersey Health Department prides itself as having among the strictest water tests in the country. Town officials tend to get little credit for "doing the right thing" for the general population as far as water testing is concerned, because results are not publicized. Remember that John Travolta film supposedly set in Woburn, Massachusetts, "A Civil Action" (1998)? -- not good for real estate values.

This closure might be bigger news if it happened in neighboring Princeton, home of world famous Princeton University. Luckily for us, we live a few miles away from the area affected in Hopewell Township and have a well. Since water tests currently cost at least $400 in New Jersey, few homeowners do it unless they are required to do so before moving house, if they have a private well. "Landlords must also provide the test results to each new tenant and retest the well every five years" says The New York Times.

While it's not exactly a national emergency, why hasn't this closure been mentioned in news online anywhere today? How would you feel if you hadn't been told to boil the water? How would you feel if you had to boil your water (if you haven't already had to do so)? As far as water safety is concerned, do you just trust in town and city officials to keep water levels safe, or do you test your own water periodically?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Blogs: What's Not To Like?

Anyone who thinks for a second that the almost incoherent, right-wing extremist Governor Palin deserves whatever office she is aiming for should first read this article by blogger Shannyn Moore, in her blog "Just a Girl from Homer".

Yes, that would be Homer, Alaska, somewhere not often making news. What a sophisticated writer! It's worth dropping everything and reading. Funny and serious (George Bush with lipstick, huh?).

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Fireplace View

Courtesy TREND

“The Skinny Diet” a new book by Louis J. Aronne claims that what and when you eat influences your willpower.

The foods that satisfy and help dieters are foods “high in protein, vegetables, fiber and water.” The idea is that some foods whet your appetite better than others and keep you feeling full longer.

Here are some foods that make it harder to stop eating:
• Bread
• Sweets
• Juice
• Pasta
• Wine or beer before dinner
• Artificial sweeteners
• Cookies
• Chocolates
• Potato Chips

After helping dieters lose weight for 23 years at the Comprehensive Weight Loss Program at the New York Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center, Dr. Aronne concludes we feel hungrier after eating them.

As we age, we gradually become more resistant to insulin. If we eat these foods, our blood sugar interferes with leptin, a chemical that tells us to stop eating.

Skipping meals, or going more than five hours without food causes hunger to rise and fullness hormones to drop. It is thought that more of these calories go straight to fat cells.

Dr. Aronne warns that eating bread before a meal makes most people lose their “sense of fullness.” Bread and alcohol with a meal lower resistance and promote fat storage because we'll feel hungrier and eat more food (especially a temptation in restaurants). Also, Dr. Aronne believes artificially sweetened beverages promote hunger for sweets in general and advises drinking water instead.

We need food to live, and food tends to be addictive. We should try to always choose foods that provide satisfaction. Best idea: eat satisfying foods in moderation -- pvfws (proteins, vegetables, fiber in the form of whole wheat grains, and water). (pvfw - fireplace view).

Weight loss is a complex matter, and everyone’s metabolism is different.

To this philosophy, I would combine Suzy Welch's "10-10-10 method" espoused in her new book. While eating slowly, imagine whether eating a specific food choice will be a wise idea in 10 minutes, 10 months and 10 years. Most of us are only thinking of the next 10 minutes when we eat, wouldn't you say?

The list of foods above are ones to be especially wary of, unless weight gain is desired. Cheese, nuts and sunflower seeds are not on that list, but can be quite addictive, too, I think. It's interesting to me how food fads vary. Only five years ago, for example, avocados and almonds were thought too high in fat, and now they're promoted for health-giving nutrients.

Do you agree as this New York Times article says that religious people are usually more self-controlled with food? What other foods make you want to eat more?

With thanks to The Wall Street Journal and The Huffington Post for reviewing Dr. Aronne's book here.

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Most Expensive House For Sale In America

Here's a rare look at Candy Spelling's house in Bel-Air, Los Angeles.

Doll Room: Candy Spelling continued buying dolls long after Tori, daughter of Aaron, needed them.

There's a CNN video from the "Larry King Show" narrated by Chelsea Handler with more detail at the CNN website if you can get it, but it will soon expire.

Spelling won't talk about money, or say the price on television, even of property taxes. She's living in a dream world of her own making if she thinks "it's not that much" at USD$150 million.

An Especially Beautiful "Twilight " Video

This Twilight video from Youtube was drawn to my attention. Whoever made it is really good. Enjoy it!

Monday, April 13, 2009

America's Previous Gains Fueled by Innovations

Many current news items now are echoing the idea that young students who would in recent years have aspired to work on Wall Street, are looking past it to other areas of employment. Greater scientific funding of basic research could step into the void created by computerized investment banking.

The sciences could well rise in the new pecking order of career status. The Obama administration wants to double federal spending in basic research over 10 years and triple the number of graduate fellowships in science.
The New York Times

It's welcome news to the research community in American universities. Scientific teaching and research are two areas that America needs to remain competitive in the international arena. Allocating talent and federal money are among the most important decisions that governments can make for the future success of any country.

The New York Times had an excellent article detailing the difficulty many skilled workers are having entering the U.S. to work, and are choosing to work in other countries instead where the "barriers to entry" are not as high. The founder of Facebook's software is but one person in the prolonged throes of nightmare visa issues.

Americans want to band together to create organizations devoted to keeping foreigners out, apart from the huge "barriers to entry" that already legally exist. The foreigners they get are more likely to be those who somehow fit into the informal, preconceived notions and whims of a border agent's fantasy. America is already well along on the freeway to a "brawn over brain" immigration policy. The obvious truth of the matter is that economic opportunities attract foreigners. If a door isn't open and foreigners aren't paid, the best ones likely won't come and innovations likely won't happen.

Deploring either a lack of incoming future "investment bankers" or "foreigners" isn't going to help turn around the economy and create meaningful new industries of the future by itself. What's needed are innovations, whoever can create them. Providing scientific education and research freedom could help those who can help themselves.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Time To Revisit The Idea Of Metrication?

Why hasn't the U.S. changed to the metric system?

As the map above shows, the U.S., Liberia and Myanmar are the only countries left using it.

As the next figure shows, countries have changed gradually to the metric system:

Personally, I prefer American measurements and would find it difficult to change. Having moved from Canada to America before the conversion, metrication is still rather new to me. Living abroad did give me experience with it and I don't think one is any better than the other. But there would probably be benefits if American businesses were in unison with the rest of the world.

It's rather odd that the United States has stubbornly remained unchanged is my point. Just saying. Do you think America can afford to stay as it is?

Can't Wait for Immigration Reforms

The immigration issue that is "boring" so many Americans would appear to be an upcoming priority of President Obama's Administration according to this article in today's New York Times.

A Taxpayer's Memo to the New Administration:


1) Streamline and process paperwork faster.
2) Take out corruption.
3) Civilize the entire process from the beginning to the end.
4) Open up the front door.
5) Inspire dignity and banish humiliation.
6) Respect all applicants.


Probably not happening. I could go on, but who in federal power listens and cares about merit-based applications enough to make radical change?

My skepticism abounds. Concerning American government reforms: "if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is."

Everything in Moderation

My top weight loss strategy: Eat Less. It's simple, physically and psychologically, but not easy. It's hard to stay firm.

My tip is to watch those calories. In daily calories, most sedentary women should eat only ten times their ideal weight, as a rough guide. If you eat 5-6 small meals each day, or three meals and 2-3 snacks, your glucose level will stay up and you'll feel better and more energetic.

Distract yourself with other activities instead of eating or eating more.

Use your imagination to refocus on the plate of food in front of you filled instead with food items you won't eat.

8 strategies to shave off pounds from Consumer Reports

1. Eat breakfast.
2. Eat less fat and make sure the fats you do eat are healthy. This means eschewing trans fats while focusing on monosaturated fats and omega-3 oils.
3. Follow a healthy menu by boosting the amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet and consuming small amounts of lean meat, fish, healthy fats and whole grains. Stay away from refined grains, potatoes, full-fat dairy products and foods with added sweeteners.
4. Exercise, exercise, exercise. The only way working out will add up to significant weight loss is if you spend 60 to 90 minutes per day. And the exercise has to be at least of moderate intensity.
5. Cut back on carbs.
6. Fill up on low energy density foods, that is, those that contain fewer calories per mouthful.
7. Do a regular weigh-in. Successful dieters weigh themselves at least once a week.
8. Limit your selections. Variety tends to stimulate appetite.

The new report also suggested cutting carbs and fats and adding more foods to your diet that are low in energy density.

Another hint from Consumer Reports: choose a more monotonous diet since variety stimulates appetite.

"These eating tips may be helpful, but it’s best to choose a plan that is simple and easy to stick to, says Dr. George Blackburn, associate director of nutrition at the Harvard Medical School. “You can cut these tips to three:

Eat less, eat healthy and exercise*.”


For the Technophile

There's an interesting video here in The New York Times today to show where Silicon Valley got hardware parts. Halted, is now called HSC and is here:

3500 Ryder Street
Santa Clara, California 95051
Sales staff email:
(408) 732-1573
(408) 732-6428 FAX
Hours: Mon - Fri 8AM - 7PM, Sat 9AM - 5PM

Haltek Specialties Company, on Steve Jobs' receipt pictured above, has various addresses online. The owner told me today that Haltek split off and is now out-of-business as it has been for ten years. Comments, please.

For anyone at all interested in visiting these stores near Stanford, California, here is an undated website with more stores to visit.

When I have time, I'll check them out. Promise. I love to shop.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Best Fashion Websites

For a wonderful list of the best fashion websites, here is a link to Smashing Magazine,

Here's an incomplete summary of their list. There are links and descriptions of
1)fashion house sites, like Liz Claiborne, Prada, Vuitton, Lauren.
2)There are also fashions magazine websites, like WWD, and Elle
3)there are catalogue sites, like J. Crew and Victoria's Secret.
4)Also, you can find links to fashion blogs like "The Cut". For an interesting take on fashion, try "This is Goop", Gwyneth Paltrow's fabulous site and
5)online only sites, like Daily Candy.

It's a great new go-to website to bookmark. There are many more fashion websites out there, or course. They've been a long time in production, but are finally looking very good -- like fun -- now. "Juicy Couture" even has a very clever, cutting-edge subliminal seduction idea with a quick, blinking "Live to Surf" and "Eat Candy" page while the site boots up. Here's another favorite of mine: Vivre and for furniture "1st Dibs", but that's for a new post.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Dartmoor, England

Dartmoor - Philip Bloom Comp from James Watson on Vimeo.

Presenting a short film of this beautiful, beloved park in Devon, southwest England. Well-worth amplifying to a large screen. Enjoy!!!

Dubai: Do-Buy

If you're thinking of visiting Dubai, maybe it would be a good idea to read this article in HuffPost, called "The Dark Side of Dubai".

"Everything in Dubai is fake. Everything you see. The trees are fake, the workers' contracts are fake, the islands are fake, the smiles are fake - even the water is fake!"
From The Huffington Post

Sounds like a deranged, mostly masculine version of "Hotel California" because some "can never leave". It's very sad, and I had no idea. Also, it reminds me of the movie with Liam Neeson called "Taken".

Where is the love?

Monday, April 6, 2009

Extreme Parental Hysteria

Parents worry excessively about their kids, and they probably usually worry about the wrong things. But an article in Daily Beast today really nails it as far as parental fears are concerned: kidnapping, death by allergies, especially peanuts or shellfish, or even lightning.

Reminds me of the time for a children's garden party, we invited my daughter's peanut-allergic friend. She came and I spontaneously mentioned to her father, a physician-allergist that breathing nutty air near our walnut trees might possibly impact his daughter although I am not at all sure it happens, and of course, he hasn't been back with her. Don't suppose it could happen, but who knows?

Anyway, hope this article, "Sandwiches that kill" adds some humor to your day, as it did to mine. It was written by a Manhattan mom, but to her issues could be added the complex perils of suburbia, such as accidentally abandoning a baby in the carseat...

Her point is well-taken that parents nowadays have so many new worries that are layered atop the ones we already grew up with, crossing the road, not staying out too late. But some fears are definitely a little silly. Her story of parenting challenges in New York is fabulous, linked here.

Whatever happened to the ideas of letting kids build up immunities healthwise and learn to fend for themselves as they get older?