Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sectors up YTD - Sep 10, 2008

Here are the sectors that are up (mostly) year-to-date. There are not very many - eleven out of 150 possible sectors or about one out of 15!
Amended from

Sector Changes - Year to Date
Ranked 1 - 25, for Sep 9
Sector Name Weighted
Alpha Daily
YTD | 1 mth| 3 mth | 6 mth | 9 mth | 1 YR
BUILDING - RESIDENTIAL | +44.24 |+13.73| +33.82| +37.02| +45.17| +37.79
RETAIL - APPAREL SHOES | +34.98 | +8.15| +26.16| +37.08| +33.44| +17.14
RETAIL - DISCOUNT | +32.59 | +2.66| +21.52| +33.27| +31.37| +10.59
TRANSPORTATION - TRUCK | +23.79 |-11.00| +18.15| +19.04| +21.55| +17.31
FINANCE - CONSUMER LOA | +15.47 | +8.36| +13.85| +19.23| +11.99| -4.63
BANKS - SOUTHWEST | +15.19 | +4.24| +9.21| +13.15| +13.60| +6.88
TOYS GAME HOBBY | +14.30 | -5.48| -0.83| +21.08| +18.59| +7.15
REIT - EQUITY TRUSTS | +14.03 | -4.03| +4.70| +13.64| +10.71| 2.38
COSMETICS TOILETRIES | +13.35 | -0.73| +14.18| +21.55| +14.92| +1.64
RETAIL - MISC DIVERSIF | +11.41 | +0.12| +11.47| +24.97| +10.39| -9.60
BANKS - NORTHEAST | +9.47 | +0.87| +8.58| +9.84| +9.71| +3.52

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