Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Hot New Jersey

Governor Corzine, our political chief, gives lots of New Jerseyans a good feeling. After all, he gave up a Democratic Senate seat to be our Governor, after being Chairman of Goldman Sachs, a position also held by Henry "Hank" Paulson. Finally, we have a fiscal leader in Governor Corzine, on the assumption that not only is he an exceptional financial expert, but having made a significant fortune, he doesn't have any motives to accept bribery and corruption. And it looks like we may also have an energy leader...

Associated Press

New Jersey governor introduces energy master plan
By ANGELA DELLI SANTI 10.22.08, 6:03 PM ET


Gov. Jon S. Corzine has laid out a vision for New Jersey's energy future.

The proposal issued Wednesday includes an increasing reliance on renewable sources like wind and solar power, creating clean-energy businesses and jobs and lowering energy costs and consumption.

The state's new Energy Master Plan is the first update in a dozen years.

"With one of the strongest solar programs in the nation, potentially the country's first offshore wind project in the works ... and the most aggressive greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets in the nation, New Jersey has taken the lead," [my boldface type] the governor said.

Corzine chose to unveil the plan at Isles YouthBuild Institute in Trenton, which trains high-school students for high-demand jobs like those in clean energy.

The governor said he envisions clean energy as a major driver of New Jersey's economy....*

Good to know that New Jersey is taking the lead in something, besides being the state having the greatest density of millionaires and houses in the nation, and lots more.

This isn't just a lot of hot air. New Jersey is a wonderful state to live in. We are proud of our Governor and grateful to him for taking this courageous leadership role.

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