Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Triple Pier Antiques Show 2008 - a review

Saturday, November 14, I attended the 2008 Triple Pier Antiques Show at Piers 92 and 94 in Manhattan, New York. It continues tomorrow, Sunday, November 15.

Yes, the antiques show was spectacular. It always is, but this year exceeded every year so far. I would urge you to drop everything to get there. Run! It is huge.

I loved all the old estate jewelry especially. These are beautiful, refined pieces in excellent taste. Vintage clothing, jewelry, furniture and more appeared in Pier 92. Pier 94 held furniture, antiques and semi-modern, and more jewelry, paintings, carpets and so on.

There were so many interesting pieces that it was frustrating not to be able to buy to my heart's content. Suitcases are the best way to haul away loot. It was like too much of a good thing, and too good to be true. Everything was carefully organized and displayed, generally creating great excitement.

Despite the rainy day, many celebrities, moneyed from all over and just some rather oddly-dressed people showed up. I saw Graydon Carter, editor of Vanity Fair.

I realized that I had been walking seven nonstop hours by the end and it felt like a marathon. Well, I did stop for a few educational short conversations with vendors. My motto is to "fight ignorance".

As I kept hearing, "that's life!" Going to the Show is a great way to learn more about life, and the way people with money and collecting interests have lived.

Security was excellent but cab-finders outside were not available. I was turned away by twelve cabs before one would take me away! Except for the rain, I would have driven there as I usually do. Hope that is better for you. Sunday will bring sun.

There is an article in the New York Times today about how conspicuous consumption is again appearing unfashionable, but that is another story. It would be interesting to know if customers were buying more than other years or less today at the Show, but prices were definitely being negotiated.

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