Tuesday, February 24, 2009

While I am not the most political person, I have been conscious of beef quality since living in England years ago when mad cow disease was a real concern. This article in today's New York Times mentions that Wagyu beef was eaten at the Governor's Dinner, a major formal event that was held at the same time as the Academy Awards, last Sunday evening. Isn't Wagyu beef the kind that Rachael Ray was given trouble about? Isn't it a Japanese beef? Why, oh why, when America is full of cows does it have to import beef from another country and pay top dollar for a meat that is coming out of my taxes. Think about it, here we have paid millions of dollars in federal tax dollars, and aren't citizens because I might not pass the test, and my tax dollars are feeding governors with foreign Japanese beef? The government calls excess "pork", but I am calling it " Wagyu beef".

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