Sunday, October 11, 2009

Canadians Break South Pole Speed Record

Todd Carmichael's story in my earlier post of his trek to the South Pole left me with great awe and a few questions.

His record, however, held for only a month as a trio of Canadians from Ottawa and Vancouver "beat the previous record of 39 days, 7 hours and 49 minutes, which was set by American Todd Carmichael" only one month before they arrived. The team consisted of Ray Zahab of Chelsea, Quebec, Kevin Vallely of North Vancouver and Richard Weber of Alcove, Quebec. They took 33 days, 23 hours and 30 minutes to finish the arduous 700-mile (1,130-km) journey and documented the journey on their website. They were able to use their satellite phone to post photos and podcasts along the way.

There are evidently other adventurers trekking to the South Pole, according to this article at London's Daily Mail.

Of course, "life lessons" from the trio would be gladly welcomed.

Now I am wondering about crevasses and how they dealt with the dangers of falling into them or having to go around them at great length, and whether they saw any living animals.

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