Sunday, December 20, 2009

Magnificent Magnificat Sunday at the National Cathedral

National Cathedral, Washington, D.C.

Today, the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. held a Service of Worship for the Fourth Sunday of Advent despite inclement conditions. It was an achievement all by itself because of unfavorable weather conditions.

The music was a successful effort to give cheer, vibrancy and immediacy to the Christmas season. The service and sermon by the Very Rev. Samuel T. Lloyd III were wonderfully restorative and welcome to viewers across the country and around the world -- no pressure to him, the Rev. Canon Carol Wade and all intended. I was grateful to be able to view it online again.

Please give generously to the National Cathedral as they minister to those among us most in need of assistance.

There was a fine performance of J. S. Bach's Fugue on the Magnificat at the end of the service. The entire service can be accessed at the National Cathedral site online at

Here's a recording of Bach's Magnificat with choir (well-recommended for in-car listening) from Amsterdam. Ton Koopman leads the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra and Soloists:

Try here if the audio doesn't match the video:

 Please let me know of any more magnificent recordings of the Magnificat.

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