Sunday, June 20, 2010

Washington's National Cathedral: Dean Sam Lloyd and Guest Lisa Miller Discuss Heaven

Washington's National Cathedral had a wonderful service this morning. Two hymns were especially beautiful today: "Dear Lord and Father  of Mankind" by Repton, and the Michael music " All My Hope on God is Founded." They inspire me to make a list of my favorite hymns; that would make a nice project. I prefer those old ones.

Earlier, before the service at the Sunday Forum hosted by The Very Rev. Samuel T. Lloyd III, the discussion was all about Heaven with visiting Newsweek Religion Editor, Lisa Miller. She talked about "How Our Conceptions of Heaven Influence Our Lives." Her book is called "HEAVEN: Our Enduring Fascination With The Afterlife."

On June 6, 2010, an important Forum discussion was with The Rev. Thomas G. Long, an author of many, many books such as one about challenges facing preachers in Preaching From Memory To Hope  and about sickness and funeral customs  in Accompany Them With Singing. This Forum conversation should be listened to by every clergyman, in my humble opinion. The Forum is called: "Living and Dying: Why our Christian Rituals Matter."

These Forum discussions  are great online, live or later, even if I don't always write a review of them. They are important conversations about life, religion, God, and so much more. Dean Sam Lloyd has a gentle way of guiding the discussion with calmness to a wonderful warm place.

It is a privilege to be able to listen to the services and Forums here in the comfort of my own home near Princeton, New Jersey, over two hundred miles away from the Capital. Please give generously, as the Cathedral needs money to fight hunger in the Capital, and to follow through with promised social programs.

The beautiful music of the Cathedral, especially when played by the excellent Organist Scott Dettra, could be made into CDs. I notice there are CDs out there of favorite hymns.  Of course, I wish his special organ recitals could be played online, as well.

The Rev. Canon Carol Wade announced her departure intention, as had The Rev. Canon Stephen Huber, leaving the National Cathedral with a few vacancies to fill. I have every confidence Dean Sam Lloyd will find suitable replacements in time, although they have been extremely fine preachers.

Washington's National Cathedral is my favorite place to watch live online when it's time for religion at all times of the year. It's also an important location to support with thousands of visitors each year.

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