Friday, April 22, 2011

Washington National Cathedral Gears Up For Easter Celebrations

Washington National Cathedral

Washington National Cathedral has just broadcast online a wonderful Good Friday Service that must have been a three-hour-long marathon for the participants! Included in the webcast are Sermons, in the leaflet called Meditations or Homilies, by the Very Rev. Alan Jones, Cathedral Vicar Jan Naylor Cope, and Cathedral Dean Samuel T.  Lloyd III

The always perfect organ music of Organist Scott Dettra permeated the entire service of Devotions. Presided over by The Right Rev. John Bryson Chane, the Bishop of Washington, Gospellers and Ministers, the lengthy official afternoon of worship included singing by choirs led by Canon Michael McCarthy, singing soloists, music by a cellist, and special readings at the front of the Cathedral

The current 2011 Lenten season has been enriched at the Cathedral with Meditations available online. As well as today's long service and others held at the Cathedral, last night's Maundy Thursday was the occasion of a special evening service. Easter Services are planned for Saturday evening and Sunday, and will be broadcast live online. Throughout this Easter Holiday, the Cathedral has kept to a busy schedule and has generously made these services available online. The gentle, mellifluous voice of Dean Lloyd made it clear during a previous service that while passes are handed out for well-attended, super-important services on Easter Day, some seats might still be available to those wishing to attend in person.

Please give generously to the Washington National Cathedral. Donations can be taken online at the Cathedral website. 

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