Friday, May 20, 2011

A View On Cities

While researching one of my novels, I came across a wonderful website called "A View on Cities" that is perfect for travelers as the summer season rolls around.

Eiffel Tower, Paris, France

How I wish I had this one to check earlier on in my life. It's great! 

The City Index has the list of cities included in the site. Each City has top attractions, and these attractions are further rated in popularity. Did you know that the top world attraction is the Colosseum in Rome, followed by the Eiffel Tower in Paris? 

Times Square is most popular square. Most popular streets in the world, parks,  churches, opera houses, railway stations and Towers are listed. Next, a tab has a hotel booking site (untested, please let me know). There is a tab for "Activities" with regions and dates to input to "Find things to do." 

There are city maps and facts at one's fingertips, such as maps, most popular photos and poster pictures (dynamite!). Finally, there are landmark and geography quizzes in the back for know-it-alls, or even those of us who don't mind learning by doing and want to be challenged.

At the end of the site is a line saying "Don't despair, more cities are in the works"...I can't believe they added Pittsburgh before they added Ottawa, which is a capital city, and has far more attractions.

Try it out, it's a wonderful site. I found it as I was searching for traffic around the world. It's amazing how many webcams of traffic are now online.

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