Saturday, July 9, 2011

Cathedral Dean Lloyd: Sad Day at Washington's National Cathedral

Cathedral Dean Samuel T. Lloyd III announced on July 8, 2011 he plans to leave Washington's National Cathedral to return to Trinity Church, Copley Square in Boston, as their priest-in-charge.

He has written a letter to explain the reasons, although they all appear as reasons to stay at the Cathedral.

Under his stewardship, the Cathedral has instituted online records of services of worship for a few years now, which I have enjoyed following most Sundays, holidays, and special services from here in New Jersey. He has shown unparalleled leadership at bringing together disparate groups of the country and the world, and creating new programs within the Cathedral. While others may say Cathedral Deans "come and go" no other  will match his uniquely gentle personal style of truthfulness, humility and magnificence.

To say I am surprised and disappointed is an understatement. I am shocked (since I imagined the  Cathedral is a summit position within the religious community) and will greatly miss his leadership. I am sure the congregation will miss his  rare style of authority profoundly as well.

I will have to check whether his new appointment will offer live online services. If it is, I'll watch there.

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