Saturday, March 3, 2012

Shame on Limbaugh

Limbaugh's goal on the radio show he hosts was to silence the good name of an innocent female victim. 

I resent that someone so despicable can TRADE on slurs against women.

His apology is a fake-out. What source of fear stops him from doing the same again?

Please STOP him?...I don't suppose LESS  will satisfy most of the women  around the world who heard this lunatic's wild ravings, and who compose about half the general population.

UPDATE: 4/2/12. One month has passed, and according to Media Matters, Mr. Limbaugh has apologized for only one of the 45, yes, forty-five (!) personal slurs he has made on this one individual female.

I've never listened anyway, not even once to this poor, sorry man, and hope I never do.

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