Thursday, July 24, 2008

"When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping"

Here is this evening's Wall Street Journal's summary of today's market action:

Dow Skids Amid Grim Housing Data
[Go to article]
The Dow industrials dropped 283.10 points, or 2.4%, to end at 11349.28 after grim data on housing and employment. Financial stocks dropped dramatically; builders also took steep losses. The Nasdaq and S&P 500 tumbled. 10:24 p.m.

Yesterday I was stung by five wasps at once, I am not kidding. Today, I said "Big Ouch" again for a very
different reason. This was not a good day for bulls on Wall Street, to say the least.

But "when the going gets tough, the tough go shopping" and that is exactly what I did today. If "it is always
a good time to buy stocks", as Warren Buffett has said on television, the same is true of jewelry. I went to
the incredible Short Hills Mall and looked for necklaces. You will recall from a recent post
(Precious Metals,
Friday July 18) that I love the gemstones and necklaces at Dodi's Designs.

I have to say that they compared favorably to gem necklaces at Tiffany, Neiman-Marcus and Saks Fifth Avenue.
They are all so unique and creative, and great value. They are too good to be travel jewelry and are suitable for
all kinds of occasions as they come in a great variety of unique designs. Dodi is sure to please and I just cannot
say enough praise for her unusual, courageous jewelry.

The Short Hills Mall is a fabulous Mall that has been my personal favorite since first visiting New Jersey.
Try Legal Seafoods when you get hungry as their soups and fish are delicious. This Mall has historically had
very strict leasing restrictions. Stores have to completely renovate every three years or else they must leave, with few
exceptions, or they used to have to. There are lots of elite international businesses here with extravagant
beautiful displays. It is definitely one of the most upscale, exciting, well-kept Malls in America only fifteen
minutes or so from Newark International Airport, with convenient optional valet parking. Also, the music
is really nice and soothing. Not much is here to invite children, just a gentle warning, as it is all designed
to stimulate shopping whims and impulses, and the more money and time you can spend, the more fun it will be!
At their website, you can see if your favorite designers and stores are in the Short Hills Mall's store directory,
and find hours and directions. Welcome to The Mall at Short Hills!

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