Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Wonderful Up Market!

DJIA* 11397.56 266.48 2.39%
2319.62 55.40 2.45%
S&P 500*
1263.20 28.83 2.34%
714.55 18.44 2.65%
10-YR Note*
4 .046% -10/32 -0.30%
* at closeSource: Dow Jones, Reuters

The markets improved somewhat today, quite a bit actually. Perhaps they were just making up for weakness in the past session. Oil headed down, and that can only be a good thing for us bulls, because lower oil means that stocks generally head higher. Amidst all the mixed economic news, while technology stocks get pummeled, are healthcare, the drugmakers and biotechs emerging as leadership sectors, or is this possible trend going to fizzle?


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Hillary Clinton

“There’s a direct connection between a woman’s ability to plan her family, space her pregnancies and give birth safely, and her ability to get an education, work outside the home, support her family and participate fully in the life of her community.”

United Nations Social Values

Wordle: United Nations Social Values

"No woman deserves to die in the process of giving life"

The Serenity Prayer

God, grant me the serenity

To accept the things I cannot change;

The courage to change the things that I can;

And the wisdom to know the difference.

-Reinhold Niebuhr

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