Saturday, June 27, 2009

Introducing Angelle L. Brook, A Computer-Generated "Dream Woman"

According to a new study in the June, 2009 issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology linked here, men can agree they prefer women who are "thin, seductive and confident" -- Maybe like this?

Dream woman: Angelle L Brook is a computer-generated composite featuring Kelly Brook's hair and body, Halle Berry's eyes, Jennifer Lopez's nose and Angelina Jolie's mouth
Courtesy of "this is london"

Alas, such perfection's likely a computer model!

This study confirms that while men can agree on what characteristics they prefer in a woman, women can't agree on what they prefer in a man.

The study rated images for being:
  • thin
  • seductive
  • confident
  • sensitive
  • stylish
  • curvaceous (women)
  • muscular (men)
  • traditional
  • masculine/feminine
  • classy
  • well-groomed, or
  • upbeat
and then rated them for attractiveness.

Men chose "thin, seductive and confident" characteristics for women, whereas women couldn't agree on ideal traits in men. "One size fits all" appears to apply more to men than women. A friend of mine wonders whether women could have agreed on "wealth" in men had it been a choice.

Probably the ideal fantasy picture of a woman is separate from men's reality and social circumstances. Do you agree with this study, or do you think it's superficial and irrelevant? The model above isn't exactly skinny and maybe some men prefer blondes, Caucasians or Asians.

Wouldn't you expand ideal traits to include other deeper considerations such as friendliness and warmth, compassion and empathy, financial resources, culture, age, experience, family, health and work history, food and spiritual preferences and so on?

This male consensus is leading some psychologists to warn that handsome men more than "thin, seductive, confident" women need worry about their partners straying, contrary (no doubt) to male expectations.

There is an interesting article in the same journal proving that alternative availabilities of partners tend to increase partner choice at the college level, but then we already could guess that, couldn't we?

Wonder how it squares with John Money's Lovemap theory on unique interpersonal relationships.

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