Friday, July 17, 2009

A Fool's Woes

Now there are tweets and an article here saying that the South Carolina Governor's Communications Director (press spokesperson) has just up and quit. After hearing that Sanford owes nearly USD$40,000.00 and has only repaid $3,000.00, it's not surprising that his co-workers are suddenly feigning forgetfulness, if not outright fear and misgiving. They can't "remember" whether they flew first class or not here and there. Conveniently they won't therefore be able to repay taxpayers.

South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford

Pity it happened to such a good-looking man! Would a black governor have had his power stripped away immediately, as one twitterer suggests? Whether or not that's true, it just goes to show that there must be something in the water in the great state of Strom Thurmond.

His wife:

Jennifer "Jenny" Sullivan Sanford (born 1962), is the First Lady of South Carolina, heiress, and former investment banker.[1] She is married to Governor Mark Sanford, whose initial campaigns she substantially funded.[wikipedia]

His governorship:

His family:

For her?

Maria Chapur in Argentina, The Huffington Post

According to him, Maria Chapur would be his "Bathsheba" to his new role as "King David." That sort of statement makes a person sound like he's entered the la-la land of lunacy. He can fool some of the people some of the time, but he can't fool all of the people all of the time.

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