Monday, September 20, 2010

What Exactly Are Current Democratic Ideals?

An idea from Dean Lloyd's sermon yesterday has me thinking about the international ideals of freedom of speech and the press. Democratic ideals in employment concern freedom from gender discrimination, age-ism and size-ism, among many others. Lofty they may be, and the world has a long way to go to reach these ideals. 

This week the United Nations meets in New York to discuss the Millenium Development Goals for the year 2015 (in my previous post inspired by Melinda Gates), concerning:

  1. poverty
  2. education
  3. gender equality
  4. child mortality
  5. maternal health
  6. disease eradication
  7. environmental sustainability and 
  8. global development partnerships. 

Truly, there is something for everyone in these goals. At least one of them is sure to be a passionate concern of yours.  It's well-known that being generous through helping and giving to others makes it possible to attain happiness, that most fleeting and elusive of all human goals.  Definitely, this is the one perfectly indisputable incentive or reason to help.  By helping others achieve these goals, you will help yourself to achieve happiness. This is a related, famous phrase:

Happiness is like a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp, but, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you.  ~Nathaniel Hawthorne

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