Saturday, September 4, 2010

What Goes Around Will Come Around

Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland

The most important article I have read all week concerns the issue of civil liberties as reported to the United Nations international council on human rights. The U.N. Human Rights Council has a Universal Periodic Review process where all countries of the world assess self-compliance. The goal is to further human rights compliance around the world and the U. N. expects powerful nations to lead by example.

Concerning this year's recently submitted Review, Arizona Gov. Brewer fatuously calls America's participation in it "internationalism run amok" and "unconstitutional." She claims irrelevantly that America - in comparison to Libya - would "win in any such comparison" (not saying much, and demonstrating her personal lack of understanding of the goals of a Council representing 47 countries).

Ironically, she herself is governing at the same time with the power (and powerlessness) of a dictator from an African country (such as Libya) within her own state; she has sanctioned racial profiling without having mitigated paperwork inefficiencies that created the national immigration emergency in the first place.

Her mountain-sized sense of American entitlement has clearly ballooned out of all proportion. Why would any state governor challenge an international inquiry into human rights abuse? A sense of guilt or shame would be more appropriate considering all the human rights violations that are resulting from laws passed on her watch in her state.

The larger issue is that America's front door to speedy legal immigration has closed, and the sooner politicians wise up to a true and genuine emergency and solve the problem, the better it will be for everyone. Improving immigration administration is the higher road to travel that will ultimately satisfy the U.N. Human Rights Council.

I happen to care about American immigration and think I know what to do about it: speed up the paperwork. It's not a mystery. Americans should demand ruthless efficiency of their government as the number one priority, whether it's for visas, green cards, citizenship or passport processing.

Reporting Arizona law to UN was correct, CNN, by ACLU's C. Bhatnagar and A.S. Meetze.

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