Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Revealing American Highway Statistics

A leading American newspaper, USA Today, reports that western and southern states have a higher proportion of fatalities than the northeast. Wyoming, Mississippi, Montana, North Dakota and Arkansas have more fatalities, while DC is safest, followed by Massachusetts, New York, Connecticut and Illinois. Overall, Texas, California and Florida have the highest numbers of fatalities  as this chart shows:

States Deaths Rate
Ala. 848 18
Alaska 64 9.2
Ariz. 807 12.2
Ark. 585 20.3
Calif. 3,081 8.3
Colo. 465 9.3
Conn. 223 6.3
Del. 116 13.1
D.C. 29 4.8
Fla. 2,558 13.8
Ga. 1,284 13.1
Hawaii 109 8.4
Idaho 226 14.6
Ill. 911 7.1
Ind. 693 10.8
Iowa 372 12.4
Kan. 386 13.7
Ky. 791 18.3
La. 821 18.3
Maine 159 12.1
Md. 547 9.6
Mass. 334 5.1
Mich. 871 8.7
Minn. 421 8
Miss. 700 23.7
Mo. 878 14.7
Mont. 221 22.7
Neb. 223 12.4
Nev. 243 9.2
N.H. 110 8.3
N.J. 583 6.7
N.M. 361 18
N.Y. 1,156 5.9
N.C. 1,314 14
N.D. 140 21.6
Ohio 1,021 8.8
Okla. 738 20
Ore. 377 9.8
Pa. 1,256 10
R.I. 83 7.9
S.C. 894 19.6
S.D. 131 16.1
Tenn. 989 15.7
Texas 3,071 12.4
Utah 244 8.8
Vt. 74 11.9
Va. 757 9.6
Wash. 492 7.4
W.Va. 356 19.6
Wis. 561 9.9
Wyo. 134 24.6
USA 33,808 11

Your chances of having an accident vary dramatically because of where you are.

The study doesn't take into account the idea that fewer cars might make roads safer in the case of bad weather.

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