Monday, January 17, 2011

Washington National Cathedral: 42nd Martin Luther King Day with The Winans & more

Today's celebration of Martin Luther King Day at the Washington National Cathedral is available online. Cathedral Dean Samuel T. Lloyd III introduced the program with a rarely heard recording of Martin Luther King in his last sermon at the Cathedral. He promised this  performance the 'most fun' program of the year which had me curious.  Many other ones available at the website are 'fun' too. The Cathedral's Sunday Forums are always interesting and the Sunday Services, all online, are cleansing and restorative emotionally. Watching them online are wonderful occasions for personal reflection at any time.

Urban Nation H.I.P. H.O.P. Choir 

The Talents!!! Today's uplifting performance is very showy, and the camera work is excellent, so it is very entertaining to watch. The music, as can be seen on the webcast, is well-rehearsed, an intense and moving program.

Pianists, guitarists and groups of singers and dancers in colorful gear made an altogether riveting and emotional program. The popular well-known crossover singers the Winans family made a surprise appearance. Many more artists sang along to well-known songs such as  "We Shall Overcome", far more than I can name, I'm sorry. Hip-hop violinist  Daniel D played an amazing see-through violin with  fluid sounds reminding me of the rushing waters of a mountain stream.

Watch it here at the Washington National Cathedral website. The Winans are on past halfway. It's well worth watching all the way through the program.

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