Friday, August 19, 2011

All Hotels Should Sign EPCAT

"End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and
Trafficking in Children for Sexual Purposes"

I would urge all hotels to sign the EPCAT Agreement and be on the lookout for sex trafficking of any ages. Hilton and Wyndham hotels have signed it, and I would encourage all other hotels to agree. EPCAT is important public relations to help lift the "code of conduct" in hotels, and more substantially, as the written code hotel employees can refer to if necessary. In fact, they should be rewarded if they help. We want and need those who have been kidnapped to get out of it and live better lives.

While it isn't very surprising to hear that hotels should be involved, it only occurred to me  recently when I saw a man of sixty with a young Asian girl of ten in a hotel pool where I stayed overnight. I didn't stop and investigate. Ever since, I have felt guilty for not having taken an interest in her. I will always wonder if there is something I could have done, because I don't know if that child was being kidnapped. I certainly hope not, I simply don't know. 

When I think about it, I suppose sex kidnappings do use hotels, as expensive as they may be. I had always assumed evil kidnappers moved in vans directly into the houses of those involved in organizing it. Maybe it's not only done that way, as I have read. 

Next time, I would do something. I would ask that man what on earth he was doing with that young kid swimming in the pool. I am not saying he kidnapped her. I just wonder if he did. If so, I don't have the vocabulary to chastise him.

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