Wednesday, August 24, 2011 A Change for the Better

Dear Reader,

There are many of us who don't or can't vote, for one reason or another, yet wouldn't mind giving politicians at all levels our opinions.

Now there is a super-easy way:, touting itself as "free online petition tools for social change." It's possible to log in to start a petition, and I'm relieved all the ones I have seen make a lot of sense. Somehow I got added to their mailing list, and it makes me feel extraordinarily empowered.

If you agree with them, you press a Sign bar, and add your name to some sort of cyberspace list, like voting for it. Feels good, actually, whether or not it goes anywhere. Sometimes, when I read, I notice the petition has gone somewhere, and is quoted as a source.

There are many attitudes that could be changed in the world, and is surprisingly focused on some of them I have thought about, and would like to see changed.

In fact, so far, over the last few months, I haven't neglected to sign in even once if requested, since their  suggestions appear so common-sensical.

Why not add your name to the mailing list, and you will see for yourself how many of their causes you believe in, and how good you feel when you press the Sign bar. It's easy to help online!

Shelley Seymour

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