Friday, April 16, 2010

Inefficiencies Responsible For Illegal Immigration

Immigration laws in America are outdated if southern border-crossers do find actual work in America, albeit of a seasonal and temporary nature, yet are not awarded real legal cards to do so. For those who care about human rights, personal dignity and integrity in the developed world, American immigration laws should keep up to business demands. The importance of the business and social value of illegal migrants was recently highlighted in America where border guards did not notice 80,000 "fake border-crossing cards" as Michael Ferraresi said in the Arizona Republic today:

"An elaborate human-smuggling network that ferried tens of thousands of illegal immigrants into Arizona using shuttle vans was broken up Thursday during a series of raids, federal authorities said.
In what officials called the biggest operation of its kind targeting illegal-immigrant smuggling, 47 people were arrested at five companies in Phoenix, Tucson and Nogales during sweeps involving more than 800 federal agents and local police."
..."The organization targeted in the raids is accused of illegally transporting more than 80,000 immigrants into the U.S. in the past 10 years. They brought daily van loads of undocumented migrants into the country, using Phoenix as a primary hub." 
  ..."The shuttle businesses named in a federal indictment provided immigrants with phony $30 bus tickets and fake border-crossing cards to avoid raising suspicions at U.S. law-enforcement highway checkpoints, authorities said."

One ponders personal circumstances motivating these admirable, self-improving individuals to risk their lives and money to obtain fake cards instead of real ones. The mind-boggling number, 80,000, that slipped through the border in the last ten years, dangerously, surreptitiously, invisibly and illegally, should be internationally embarrassing and shameful to American citizens.

The American immigration system has not in the last thirty years, and maybe never has, kept up to business demands with efficiencies in legal immigration paperwork.

I do not wish to sound anti-government; what's needed is a government system that works. This issue sounds like governmental neglect  and inefficiency on a giant scale. Aren't American immigration policymakers kidding themselves and not being realistic since these border-crossers do in fact find jobs in America? If  work permits cannot be legally, peacefully and swiftly available to them, they face a future of abiding within America illegally for as long as they can get away with it. Wouldn't it be safer for all Americans to at least pre-screen southern border-crossers for criminal histories?

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