Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Happy Family

My fave photo so far of one happy family!!! 

Whoever voted for someone else should realize this President won fair and square in a popular vote. He was elected democratically and deserves to enjoy his success. America and the world are very fortunate to have such a level-headed  and efficient President  (who even tweets) in this time of speedy communication and difficult world challenges. It's patriotic and co-operative to get behind the President. Co-operation helps him get work done faster and will help Americans in the end.

Why not simply enjoy the advantages this President can offer? Relax. America has done well and this President is doing fine. So far not a single critic has advocated impeachment, to my knowledge. And whatever else happens, he got the Nobel Peace Prize. Congratulations, Mr. President!

UPDATE: At the time this was written, I didn't know the Office of the President had completely stopped having news conferences in the White House since July 22, 2009, almost a year, as this article states in no uncertain terms. That's still what many of us want. President Obama has eschewed the traditional question and answer session in favor of shows edited to show off his best. Perhaps it's time to take the questions, too, Mr. President.

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