Sunday, April 25, 2010

"Make Yourself Heart Attack Proof": Video review

Did you know that you should try to keep your cholesterol level below 150 mg/dL and your LDL below 80 mg/dL? 

The National Institutes of Health (NIH)  and the American Heart Association guidelines recommend higher levels, such as cholesterol levels below 200 mg/dL, and have for many years. The truth calls for much stricter guidelines. Everyone interested in prevention should take heed.

Cleveland Clinic, home of the Wellness Center

 This highbrow video by Caldwell Esselstyn MD, (former) Chief of Surgery at the Cleveland Clinic discusses studies with charts and images of healthy and unhealthy arteries and how he has successfully reversed heart disease in his patients. A low fat, plant-based diet without oils is key. This is a great video well-worth watching. Dr. Esselstyn makes very important health suggestions through diet therapy. He advocates not just slowing and reducing intake of fats, but eliminating them.

Here's a link to his book called "Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease: The Revolutionary, Scientifically Proven, Nutrition-Based Cure" available at It has many detailed photographs and wonderful recipes.

Wikipedia notes Dr. Esselstyn was an Olympic athlete in rowing competitions and connected by marriage to the founder of the Cleveland Clinic. He and his family practice this diet.

UPDATE: further reading indicates Dr. Esselstyn was the winner of a  Gold Medal at the Olympics and "1st recipient of the Benjamin Spock Award for Compassion in Medicine".

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