Monday, March 9, 2009

An Archaic Law Finally Bites The Dust

"SALT LAKE CITY (AP) -- Getting into a bar in Utah is about to become a lot easier.

Legislative leaders agreed Monday to eliminate the state's much-criticized private club system, which requires someone to fill out an application and pay a fee for the right to enter a bar.

Utah is the only state in the country with such a law.

Gov. Jon Huntsman has been pushing to eliminate the 40-year-old system in an effort to boost tourism and make Utah seem a little less odd to outsiders."

The above quote is from The International Herald Tribune, and is currently widely reported. Did you know that? (I didn't, and also hadn't heard about it).

It's official. Today, all those over the age of 21 in Utah can finally drink in public. As a state that hasn't successfully stopped husbands (over 21) having multiple wives, why should this surprise? Millions all over the world would agree that Utah has strange laws. Perhaps this law had sound historical reasons -- settlers wanted to outlaw excessive drinking, perhaps, and effectively ended all public drinking. Laws were made for a reason, whatever it might be. But that law has outlasted its reason and rendered it obsolete. This is a law that might have been in the odd collection of state laws in this website.

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