Monday, March 30, 2009

Shane McConkey: Extreme Skier, Base Jumper

These amazing videos feature Canadian extreme skier Shane McConkey:

The Tyee

Here's another from via the Globe and Mail,

Sadly, McConkey, 39, died last Thursday (not shown here), "the first" to jump off a certain mountain in Italy with a parachute.

From: The Tyee,
"It's too easy see his death and to moralize. For those of us outside his tribe, it's easy to call him crazy and dismiss him because, in some way, it affirms our safe choices. (If letting your body wither behind a desk, eating fast-food, driving in rush-hour, road-rage traffic every day a safe choice... or even living). And, yes, for those inside his tribe or on the fringe of it, it's probably too easy to put him on a pedestal.

But the fact is Shane McConkey was [one guy] who reminded us all that if we have the audacity follow our dreams, well, we just might be able to fly."

There is more about him in this amazing video, but please DO NOT try this anywhere near home!

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