Friday, March 6, 2009

Forever the Sickest Kids

It's Friday morning and the Dow has fallen 7% this week so far.

Chris Brown, a young singer I liked is in court on assault charges to another famous singer, Rihanna, which has me turning my interest in current pop over to teen bands, "Forever the Sickest Kids" and "Something Corporate" for a bit of sanity, although the latter's on hiatus. They've got the music in them. shows some great videos of them.

Something Corporate

This article by Vicky Ward of an upcoming article in Vanity Fair would appear to prove that the Noel family of Greenwich could be one of the biggest beneficiaries of Madoff's Ponzi scheme. They're still "living large and loving life".

Makes sense that focusing on ways of being happy and at peace will take one's mind off the opposite. Doesn't it make you want to take up praying hard, if you don't already do a lot of it?

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