Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Better Late Than Never

Excerpts from an amusing and amazing article in today's Toronto Globe and Mail:

BEIJING — A 107-year-old Chinese woman who was afraid to marry when she was young has decided to look for her first husband and hopes to find a fellow centenarian so they will have something to talk about, a Chinese paper reported.

Wang Guiying is worried she is becoming a burden to her aging nieces and nephews since breaking her leg when she was 102. She has since had to stop doing chores such as washing her clothes.

"I'm already 107 and I still haven't got married," the Chongqing Commercial Times quoted her saying. "What will happen if I don't hurry up and find a husband?"

The article concludes saying "local officials...suggested her family get in touch with old people's homes to find candidates."

She is so fortunate just to be alive at the age of 107! Are you amused or sad when you read this? What do you think she should do?

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