Monday, January 19, 2009

Today is International Day of Optimism

At least, it is according to the BBC, and everyone can relate to that. I would say it's a Day of Hope that the Obama Presidency will view the country in a different way and bring great change for the better. Here in the United States we are having the Martin Luther King Day holiday. As we eagerly await the one-liners in the the new President's speech tomorrow, we are being flooded in the media with inaugural activities news.

It feels good and appropriate to have an individual with power who seems more in tune with America as it now is, rather than one with far more feelings of entitlement than an American President should. President Obama would appear to be more interested and in tune with serving our needs just as we will have to go along with his decisions as President. CNN is saying HuffPost is having one of the biggest pre-inaugural parties in the Newseum building that opened in April, 2008. is a wonderful website to find local newspapers here.

It is snowing in New Jersey, not a lot, but it reminds me of winter. Last year we didn't have a measurable amount or any shoveling, and this is almost nothing. Makes me start dreaming about hot, sandy beaches, breakfast in the Caribbean, then swimming and later, pina coladas. Here is a beautiful video of the world's best beaches. Watch it if you dare to dream of feeling the heat and enjoying the sun.

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