Monday, January 26, 2009

Home Expo is closing? Sad reminder of the times

Home Depot held a conference call televised on CNBC this morning, and announced that Home Expo stores and some Home Depot Stores will be closing. Yikes!

I don't really enjoy going to our local Home Depot (but I often do) and will drive an hour occasionally to the Home Expo in Bridgewater, New Jersey, to see the test kitchens and all that's new for the home, in kitchens, bathrooms, lighting, indoor designs and outdoor furniture. It is a pleasure. I like Home Expo. Now it is closing because in their words, it "never performed well financially". I have been waiting two weeks for a new Fisher & Paykel double drawer dishwasher from them, even though the warehouse for both Home Expo and Fisher & Paykel are only an hour away in the other direction. Hope it comes, as liquidations of Home Expos are supposed to start tomorrow. Sad, truly it is.

Update 1: One very helpful 'Paul' selling Appliances at the Bridgewater Home Expo says that the company should close the Home Depot stores that are not profitable and keep the ones open that are profitable, like his store. Can't argue with the common sense of that. It filled an admittedly high-end niche, but it's good and democratic for anyone to be able to see and occasionally buy the best. 'Paul' also thought Bob Nardelli took away too big a severance package when he left. He also says my dishwasher is coming this week.

Update 2: (Jan 28) The dishwasher came and it works great. My installer 'John' was competent and strong, but I made numerous calls, about eight, to get it done. Also I was told to wait two weeks after I paid for it. I hadn't bothered to inquire before paying for the dishwasher as everywhere else has immediate shipping these days, so that surprised and alarmed me. Has me thinking that Home Expo could please customers by differentiating between buyers who need immediate shipping and those who are shopping months ahead of delivery and installation.

Do you like Home Expo and have you had good service?

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