Monday, January 5, 2009

Is Google freezing us in time?

Two ways Google, Inc. could improve involve addresses:

1. Delete rarely used blog addresses.
Most have one entry or so back six years ago.

2. Change towns in Google maps. We live in "Lawrence Township, New Jersey", but Google Maps and all GPSs add "Trenton" with our street address. But the US Postal Service (USPS) officially decreed that Lawrence Township has its own zipcode. It has always had its own school system, municipal buildings, police and so on, near Trenton and Princeton, our neighboring towns. In fact, the USPS had to change it officially about a year ago, as everyone successfully complained the same way as the towns used to be historically officially together in the same sub-post office. Yet Google still hasn't changed Google Maps. Lawrence Township is not Trenton. It is true that the Post Office is gradually changing over the addresses showing up on Google, but Google Maps should itself change, too.

How does one inspire Google, Inc. to listen and change? I have tried emailing Google directly (please and thank you) about Google Maps, but haven't heard back. If they are a good company and they certainly have the market cap (money) to be one, they had better be responsive, or else someday, another company will correct them (I would hope). Perhaps Googlers should play more Sudoku to practice self-correction.

Thanks to Google for providing this web address.

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