Saturday, January 10, 2009

Would Dr. Sanjay Gupta make a good Surgeon-General?

CNN and the AARP are reporting that Dr. Sanjay Gupta has been approached to be Surgeon-General of the United States. Is he the right person for the job?

He would definitely have more "household name" recognition quite literally than any other doctor in American history, being a real doctor, a neurosurgeon hired by CNN to give expert health opinions on live television.

It appears that he has done incredibly well. He has been upfront and visible at times of war and disaster covering stories from a medical point of view. He has quickly become one of the most trusted sources on all of television for medical news.

I do not know what the job requirements of the job are, but he has already brought CNN medical coverage up to a far higher level than it used to be. He also appears to be a nice, approachable, helpful person. What's not to like?

Well, of course, if he did change facts about healthcare in his argument with Michael Moore, that might change my opinion of him. HuffPost is definitely accusing CNN of that. Perhaps that exchange of information should be revisited and corrected.
Please send me your comments. What do you think? Did he ever change the truth?

For further reading, here is the AARP (American Association of Retired Persons) article.

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